Travel Medicine Frankfurt am Main
We offer individual medical advice on health risks and prevention measures for you and your family, especially in regard to long-distance travel.
It is necessary for you to present yourself in time. 4-6 weeks in advance of your trip is advisable – however, sooner appointments are possible!
Please bring your travel documents (itinerary, destinations) and your vaccination record to the appointment.
Travelling is very important to us. Benefit from our personal experience, especially in Asia, Oceania, and America. We participate in trainings in travel medicine/tropical medicine as well as
preventive care on a regular basis and last acquired the qualifications demanded by various expert associations in 2023.
Update: Dengue-Fever Vaccination is available
After the market launch of the dengue fever vaccine Qdenga® in February 2023, the German Permanent Vaccination Commission (STIKO) is now issued a differentiated recommendation as a travel vaccination. Please note that for optimal protection, TWO vaccinations are required at an interval of 12 weeks. We would be happy to advise you here in detail before an upcoming trip to endemic areas.
What you can expect of us:
- Customized and extensive counseling during our special consultation hour for travel medicine
- Vaccination advice and provision of all vaccinations, meaning standard vaccinations as well as travel vaccinations
- Yellow fever vaccination (certified yellow fever vaccination center according to the WHO, approved by RP Darmstadt)
- Advice on malaria exposure prevention based on your destinations
- Prescription of first-aid kits and malaria prophylaxis
- Issuing of vaccination cards and certificates
- Immunity test by request (control of the success of vaccinations) by blood sampling and titer determination
- Bacteriological, virological, and parasitic advice and diagnostics by an affiliated specialized laboratory
- Counseling and examination upon return
- Travel medical preventive examination, e.g. before study stays abroad
- Support of participants of trekking and high-altitude tours, scuba divers, etc.
Certified Yellow Fever Vaccination Center / Yellow Fever Vaccination
We are a yellow fever vaccination center that has been certified by the regional council of Darmstadt in accordance with the WHO principles.
For travel to affected areas vaccination is advisable or mandatory. Tourists are affected by particularly severe forms. The vaccination leads to flu-like symptoms quite frequently (20% of all
The vaccination is currently valid for 10 years. It is documented in your international vaccination certificate and may only be performed by certified yellow fever vaccination centers. You have
to be able to present your vaccination certificate upon entry to the country that demands yellow fever vaccination.
For further information, please do not hesitate to contact us about an appointment for an individual consultation. Unfortunately, countries which demand yellow fever vaccination bear further
health risks!
Costs of Yellow Fever Vaccination / Costs of Vaccination and Payment Options
The costs for yellow fever vaccination (including the vaccine) amount to 120-130€. Travel medical advice and vaccinations can be paid cash or by EC card.
Travel medicine
All information is without guarantee and cannot replace a personal, individualized, travel medical consultation. For this reason, please make an appointment on time. Personal risks depend on e.g. your travel style and your specific destinations. Please consider our online information for initial orientation.
Travel medicine for Africa
Standard Immunization – Recommended Vaccinations
Inoculation | Children/Teenagers | Adults |
Tetanus |
x | x |
Diphtheria |
x | x |
Polio |
x | x |
Pertussis |
x | x |
Measels, Mumps, Rumbella |
x | x |
Pneumococci (conjugate) |
x |
x > 60 years chronically ill |
Influenza (seasonal) |
x |
x > 60 years |
Herpes zoster |
x > 50 years |
Meningococcal ACWY |
x < 25 years |
x chronically ill asplenic |
Meningococcal B |
x <25 years |
x chronically ill asplenic |
Hepatitis B |
x | |
Hib (Haemophilus infuenza) |
x |
x chronically ill asplenic |
Rotavirus |
x | |
Varicella |
x | |
x Girls since 9th lifeyear young women and men |
These recommendations are based on the vaccination schedule of the STIKO (Ständige Impfkommission am Robert Koch-Institut) and the SIKO (Sächsische Impfkommission) and are adapted to the
traveler’s particular situation and under consideration of current study data.
Travel medically advisable additional immunization
To be considered alongside standard vaccinations and according to travel style and conditions of entry in the respective country.
Vaccinations | Children/Teenagers | Adults |
Hepatitis A |
x | x |
Hepatitis B |
Standardimpfschutz | x |
Rabies |
x | x |
With predictable handling of animals and/or poor medical infrastructure in the destination country | ||
Typhus |
x | x |
Cholera |
x | x |
When tilted to traveler's diarrhea, long stays or repeated stays to consider in risk areas | ||
Japanese encephalitis |
Bird flu |
Yellow Fever |
(x) | (x) |
Special rules when traveling in yellow fever endemic areas or after intermediate stays (transit) in such affectet countrys, Angola · Äquatorialguinea · Äthiopien · Benin · Burkina Faso · Burundi · Elfenbeinküste · Gabun · Gambia · Ghana · Guinea · Kamerun · Kenia · Kongo, Rep. · Kongo, Dem. Rep. · Liberia · Mali · Mauretanien · Niger · Nigeria · Ruanda · Senegal · Sierra Leone · Sudan · Tschad · Uganda · Zentralafrikanische Republik |
Recommendation based on publications by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and medical societies.
Travel medicine for Asia
Standard Immunization – Recommended Vaccinations
Inoculation | Children/Teenagers | Adults |
Tetanus |
x | x |
Diphtheria |
x | x |
Polio |
x | x |
Pertussis |
x | x |
Measels, Mumps, Rumbella |
x | x |
Pneumococci (conjugate) |
x |
x > 60 years chronically ill |
Influenza (seasonal) |
x |
x > 60 years |
Herpes zoster |
x > 50 years |
Meningococcal ACWY |
x < 25 years |
x chronically ill asplenic |
Meningococcal B |
x <25 years |
x chronically ill asplenic |
Hepatitis B |
x | |
Hib (Haemophilus infuenza) |
x |
x chronically ill asplenic |
Rotavirus |
x | |
Varicella |
x | |
x Girls since 9th lifeyear young women and men |
These recommendations are based on the vaccination schedule of the STIKO (Ständige Impfkommission am Robert Koch-Institut) and the SIKO (Sächsische Impfkommission) and are adapted to the
traveler’s particular situation and under consideration of current study data.
Travel medically advisable additional immunization
To be considered alongside standard vaccinations and according to travel style and conditions of entry in the respective country.
Vaccinations | Children/Teenagers | Adults |
Hepatitis A |
x | x |
Hepatitis B |
Standard vaccination | x |
Rabies |
x | x |
With predictable handling of animals and/or poor medical infrastructure in the destination country | ||
Typhus |
x | x |
Cholera |
x | x |
When tilted to traveler's diarrhea, long stays or repeated stays to consider in risk areas | ||
Japanese encephalitis |
x | x |
For long stays and repeated stays in risk areas. | ||
Bird flu |
x | x |
For long stays and repeated stays in risk areas. | ||
Yellow fever |
Special rules when traveling in yellow fever endemic areas or after intermediate stays (transit) in such affectet countrys: Angola · Äquatorialguinea · Argentinien · Äthiopien
· Benin · Bolivien · Brasilien · Burkina Faso · Burundi · Ecuador · Elfenbeinküste · Franz. Guayana · Gabun · Gambia · Ghana · Guinea · Guinea-Bissau · Guyana · Kamerun ·
Kenia · Kolumbien · Kongo, Rep. · Kongo, Dem. Rep. · Liberia · Mali · Mauretanien · Niger · Nigeria · Panama · Paraguay · Peru · Ruanda · Senegal · Sierra Leone · Sudan ·
Suriname · Togo · Trinidad & Tobago · Tschad · Uganda · Venezuela · Zentralafrikanische Republik. Attention also to holders of passports from yellow fever endemic areas. Here, if necessary, apply different rules. |
Recommendation based on publications by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and medical societies.
Travel medicine for Europe
Standard Immunization – Recommended Vaccinations
Inoculation | Children/Teenagers | Adults |
Tetanus |
x | x |
Diphtheria |
x | x |
Polio |
x | x |
Pertussis |
x | x |
Measels, Mumps, Rumbella |
x | x |
Pneumococci (conjugate) |
x |
x > 60 years chronically ill |
Influenza (seasonal) |
x |
x > 60 years |
Herpes zoster |
x > 50 years |
Meningococcal ACWY |
x < 25 years |
x chronically ill asplenic |
Meningococcal B |
x <25 years |
x chronically ill asplenic |
Hepatitis B |
x | |
Hib (Haemophilus infuenza) |
x |
x chronically ill asplenic |
Rotavirus |
x | |
Varicella |
x | |
x Girls since 9th lifeyear young women and men |
These recommendations are based on the vaccination schedule of the STIKO (Ständige Impfkommission am Robert Koch-Institut) and the SIKO (Sächsische Impfkommission) and are adapted to the
traveler’s particular situation and under consideration of current study data.
Travel medically advisable additional immunization
To be considered alongside standard vaccinations and according to travel style and conditions of entry in the respective country.
Vaccinations | Children/Teenagers | Adults |
Hepatitis A |
to consider | to consider |
Hepatitis B |
Standard vaccination | x |
Rabies |
For work-related handling of animals, for example as Ranger. | ||
Typhus |
x | x |
x | x |
For stays in risk areas, for example outdoor activities. | ||
Cholera |
When tilted to traveler's diarrhea, long stays or repeated stays to consider in risk areas | ||
Japanese encephalitis |
For long stays and repeated stays in risk areas. | ||
Bird flu |
to consider | to consider |
Yellow fever |
Recommendation based on publications by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and medical societies.
Travel medicine for South America
Standard Immunization – Recommended Vaccinations
Inoculation | Children/Teenagers | Adults |
Tetanus |
x | x |
Diphtheria |
x | x |
Polio |
x | x |
Pertussis |
x | x |
Measels, Mumps, Rumbella |
x | x |
Pneumococci (conjugate) |
x |
x > 60 years chronically ill |
Influenza (seasonal) |
x |
x > 60 years |
Herpes zoster |
x > 50 years |
Meningococcal ACWY |
x < 25 years |
x chronically ill asplenic |
Meningococcal B |
x <25 years |
x chronically ill asplenic |
Hepatitis B |
x | |
Hib (Haemophilus infuenza) |
x |
x chronically ill asplenic |
Rotavirus |
x | |
Varicella |
x | |
x Girls since 9th lifeyear young women and men |
These recommendations are based on the vaccination schedule of the STIKO (Ständige Impfkommission am Robert Koch-Institut) and the SIKO (Sächsische Impfkommission) and are adapted to the
traveler’s particular situation and under consideration of current study data.
Travel medically advisable additional immunization
To be considered alongside standard vaccinations and according to travel style and conditions of entry in the respective country.
Vaccinations | Children/Teenagers | Adults |
Hepatitis A |
x | x |
Hepatitis B |
Standard vaccination | x |
Rabies |
x | x |
With predictable handling of animals and/or poor medical infrastructure in the destination country | ||
Typhus |
x | x |
Cholera |
x | x |
When tilted to traveler's diarrhea, long stays or repeated stays to consider in risk areas | ||
Japanese encephalitis |
Bird flu |
Yellow Fever |
(x) | (x) |
Special rules when traveling in yellow fever endemic areas or after intermediate stays (transit) in such affectet countrys: Angola · Äquatorialguinea · Argentinien · Äthiopien
· Benin · Bolivien · Brasilien · Burkina Faso · Burundi · Ecuador · Elfenbeinküste · Franz. Guayana · Gabun · Gambia · Ghana · Guinea · Guinea-Bissau · Guyana · Kamerun ·
Kenia · Kolumbien · Kongo, Rep. · Kongo, Dem. Rep. · Liberia · Mali · Mauretanien · Niger · Nigeria · Panama · Paraguay · Peru · Ruanda · Senegal · Sierra Leone · Sudan ·
Suriname · Togo · Trinidad & Tobago · Tschad · Uganda · Venezuela · Zentralafrikanische Republik. Attention also to holders of passports from yellow fever endemic areas. Here, if necessary, apply different rules. |
Recommendation based on publications by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and medical societies.
Travel medicine for North America
Standard Immunization – Recommended Vaccinations
Inoculation | Children/Teenagers | Adults |
Tetanus |
x | x |
Diphtheria |
x | x |
Polio |
x | x |
Pertussis |
x | x |
Measels, Mumps, Rumbella |
x | x |
Pneumococci (conjugate) |
x |
x > 60 years chronically ill |
Influenza (seasonal) |
x |
x > 60 years |
Herpes zoster |
x > 50 years |
Meningococcal ACWY |
x < 25 years |
x chronically ill asplenic |
Meningococcal B |
x <25 years |
x chronically ill asplenic |
Hepatitis B |
x | |
Hib (Haemophilus infuenza) |
x |
x chronically ill asplenic |
Rotavirus |
x | |
Varicella |
x | |
x Girls since 9th lifeyear young women and men |
These recommendations are based on the vaccination schedule of the STIKO (Ständige Impfkommission am Robert Koch-Institut) and the SIKO (Sächsische Impfkommission) and are adapted to the
traveler’s particular situation and under consideration of current study data.
Travel medically advisable additional immunization
To be considered alongside standard vaccinations and according to travel style and conditions of entry in the respective country.
Vaccinations | Children/Teenagers | Adults |
Hepatitis A |
to consider | to consider |
Hepatitis B |
Standard vaccination | x |
Rabies |
For work-related handling of animals, for example as Ranger. | ||
Typhus |
Cholera |
Japanese encephalitis |
Bird flu |
Yellow Fever |
Recommendation based on publications by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and medical societies.
Travel medicine for Oceania
Standard Immunization – Recommended Vaccinations
Inoculation | Children/Teenagers | Adults |
Tetanus |
x | x |
Diphtheria |
x | x |
Polio |
x | x |
Pertussis |
x | x |
Measels, Mumps, Rumbella |
x | x |
Pneumococci (conjugate) |
x |
x > 60 years chronically ill |
Influenza (seasonal) |
x |
x > 60 years |
Herpes zoster |
x > 50 years |
Meningococcal ACWY |
x < 25 years |
x chronically ill asplenic |
Meningococcal B |
x <25 years |
x chronically ill asplenic |
Hepatitis B |
x | |
Hib (Haemophilus infuenza) |
x |
x chronically ill asplenic |
Rotavirus |
x | |
Varicella |
x | |
x Girls since 9th lifeyear young women and men |
These recommendations are based on the vaccination schedule of the STIKO (Ständige Impfkommission am Robert Koch-Institut) and the SIKO (Sächsische Impfkommission) and are adapted to the
traveler’s particular situation and under consideration of current study data.
Travel medically advisable additional immunization
To be considered alongside standard vaccinations and according to travel style and conditions of entry in the respective country.
Vaccinations | Children/Teenagers | Adults |
Hepatitis A |
to consider | to consider |
Hepatitis B |
Standard vaccination | x |
Rabies |
x | x |
With predictable handling of animals and/or poor medical infrastructure in the destination country | ||
Typhus |
Cholera |
Japanese encephalitis |
Bird flu |
Yellow Fever |
(x) | (x) |
Special rules when traveling in yellow fever endemic areas or after intermediate stays (transit) in such affectet countrys: Angola · Äquatorialguinea · Argentinien · Äthiopien
· Benin · Bolivien · Brasilien · Burkina Faso · Burundi · Ecuador · Elfenbeinküste · Franz. Guayana · Gabun · Gambia · Ghana · Guinea · Guinea-Bissau · Guyana · Kamerun ·
Kenia · Kolumbien · Kongo, Rep. · Kongo, Dem. Rep. · Liberia · Mali · Mauretanien · Niger · Nigeria · Panama · Paraguay · Peru · Ruanda · Senegal · Sierra Leone · Sudan ·
Suriname · Togo · Trinidad & Tobago · Tschad · Uganda · Venezuela · Zentralafrikanische Republik. Attention also to holders of passports from yellow fever endemic areas. Here, if necessary, apply different rules. |
Recommendation based on publications by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and medical societies.